Events »»» HeartTouch - London - March 2024


Embodied Mindfulness & Compassionate Touch Training.
Working with Anxiety, Emotional Pain & Trauma.

Anthony teaching HeartTouch in London March 2023

A transformational training for Experiencers of Emotional / Mental Distress as well as those caring for them: Family Members, Bodywork Practitioners, Mental Health Practitioners, Psychotherapists.

As well as facilitating personal transformation and sharing tools for emotional self-regulation, this workshop explores the embodied foundations of co-regulation and care suitable for assisting people experiencing any level of emotional distress, up to and including complex trauma.

Embodied Mindfulness

Anthony teaching HeartTouch in London Sep 2022

Embodied Mindfulness is a way of being in which you are fully connected with your body and you feel safe.

Your mind is quiet and present to your experience of life happening that moment and your heart feels warm and open to yourself and to those around you.

This is a state of well-being and good feeling.

We will explore together how mindfulness & touch based connection practices can help us to move closer towards this state of well-being whether as an experiencer of challenging states or as someone who cares for people in these situations.

We are not looking for 'cures' or 'fixes'. Whatever our 'role' we are learning to be with ourselves and to be ourselves. Just as important we are learning to be fully present with others.

As we transform the way we relate to ourselves, our experiences and the world, symptoms which distress us may also change.

Along the way everyone involved will enhance their capacity to hold safe space for others.
And this will touch everything we do in life from then on...

Testimonials from previous participants:

  • “Anthony's teaching was exceptional and this short course was wholly transformative both personally and professionally”.
  • In a world where we are constantly trying to adhere to a variety of societal rules, we end up withdrawing and becoming lonely in a room full of people. Remember, when you were children, and our mother would hug us, and all your problems and worries would disappear? This is how I felt in the heart touch class.
  • What I appreciated about the training was experiencing a way to connect, communicate and meet the other from meeting myself first. His work opens up a different way of connecting to ourselves and others; it's down-to-earth, interactive, skillful;
  • The technique that Anthony Fidler shared with us felt an essential in the took kit for self care and for authentic relating to one self and to others, as well as a potential to build more conscious community.
  • I never thought I could slow down my body, breathing and movements in just one workshop!
  • Anthony really opened my eyes to the reality that I was living - too driven by fear, feeling trapped in my life, in my body, and living without touch. His way of explaining was very authentic and straight from the heart, and it made me feel very secure.

About Anthony:

Anthony Fidler

I had my own journey with anxiety, panic attacks and mild depression while in my final year at Cambridge University in 1991.

This continued during my work as a financial auditor, where I experienced chronic stress and then as a software programmer where I went into a meltdown of physical and mental fatigue. A serious breakdown / burnout.

Despite massive efforts to heal myself, this journey continued in 2001, with me entering non-ordinary states, we can say spiritual psychosis perhaps.

After an 8 month period in the psychiatric system, I came off anti-psychotic medications and took personal responsibility for my own well-being. This journey continued for the next 8 years with me going in an out of challenging non-ordinary states until I stabilised in 2010.

Over time I've become a qualified Mindfulness teacher, Tai Chi & Qi Gong teacher and have been teaching since 2015. I am also an experienced student of the late Akinobu Kishi , the founder of Sei Ki and teach his amazing touch therapy in my own way. I've spent twenty-five years exploring these fields with total dedication.

I found my own ways to recover and live a full life and now share what I learnt with others experiencing extreme states, trauma, broken nervous systems or simply chronic stress situations and misery.

Click here for more on Anthony's background and experience


The event is being hosted by Anthony Fidler.

Venue: Bonnington Centre, 11 Vauxhall Grove, London SW8 1TD - visit The Bonnington Centre

Date & Time: March 24th 10am to 5pm

This workshop is open to anyone who at times experiences anxiety, emotional pain, trauma and what may be considered psychosis by some.

It is also open to those who support people experiencing challenging emotional or mental states: family members, bodywork practitioners, mental health practitioners, psychotherapists, social workers and mindfulness teachers.

Couples wishing to enhance their capacity to connect and support each other through times of stress and distress are also very welcome.

Workshop size: Places are limited to 8 so please book early to be confident of attending.

Pricing: *Early bird pre Feb 24th

  • Fee: £90, Early Bird: £80.
  • Couple Fee: £160, Early Bird: £140
  • Parent with Experiencer Fee: £125
  • Concession Fee: £45, limited places

Nb. There may be further concessionary prices available for those in an unwaged / low waged situation. Please contact me to discuss.

I offer a pre-workshop online 1-1 chat: £40 / half hour. This can make a big difference anxiety wise for some people before entering a group.

Cancellation / Refunds: Non-Refundable unless a replacement is found by the participant or we have a waiting list.

Registration Process:

The event is by invitation. The application process is as follows:

  • We request that people apply by contacting us
  • Then once we confirm there are places available, complete the application form
  • We will then come back to you and may suggest a short online 1-1 session or you can request it if you wish.
  • We will then confirm your place on the workshop once you've paid.

Nb. People with lived experience: the intention with the application form is to provide an opportunity for you to communicate personal needs so we can hold the space well for you. It also allows you and us to reflect whether you are in a good enough 'space' to benefit from the practices being offered with the support we will have available on the day.

Non-experiencers: It is an opportunity to reflect on why you wish to attend the training and communicate this with me along with any personal needs. Answers may be succint as appropriate.

Thank you, Anthony.

So please get in touch if you would like to attend: Contact EasternPeace

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