EasternPeace Zen Mindfulness
EasternPeace Zen Mindfulness is contemporary zen shared in a spiritual rather than religious context, enriched with the pragmatic teaching framework of Western Mindfulness.
Whether life is kind to us right now or challenging, what we all have in common is that absolutely everything we 'have', will be taken away from us at some stage.
Along the way, we will be separated from states of being, experiences, people and objects we love and value and at the same time will attract and experience things we would rather not, usually on a daily basis.
There is often nothing we can do about this...
And this basic truth of life has been the same for human beings since time began.
How one deals with life though, ones relationship to it and understanding of what it is about make all the difference and this is what we will explore in my Zen Mindfulness courses.
As the Dalai Lama says, "Misery is a Reality, but Suffering is a Choice".
I hope to give people that choice with these sharings.
Courses & Workshops
Zen Mindfulness : Embracing Life in it Beauty and Pain
This is a six stage journey exploring what the Buddha's teachings and recent Mindfulness research have to offer as an aid to living a happier, more fulfilling and richer life whatever ones present situation.

The titles for the six modules are :
- It is Good that You Are!
- You are a Sensitive Human Being, not a Doing!
- You are also the Dark Side!
- Because the Wind loves to Caress the Leaves of the Trees!
- You are 'An Open Heart' - Abide where there is no Abiding!
- Love is all there is!
The course is built around embodied mindfulness and introduces my Hara Conditioning and HeartTouch work, alongside mindfulness training.
This course has much to offer to people dealing with stress, anxiety, mild depression, work related burnout, health issues and manageable mental illnesses.
Upcoming Zen Mindfulness Courses
Apologies - no courses planned right now. If you contact me, I might be persuaded!
News / Events
Upcoming / Ongoing Classes:
Weekly Wednesdays 19.30-20.30
Tai Chi Online Classes for Well-being & Vitality
Date: 19/3-30/4 2025
Where: Online -
Adhoc Tuesdays 19.15-20.15 + Optional 30min Chat time
HeartTouch Classes for Well-being & Vitality
Date: 25/3/2025 - 10/6/2025
Where: Online -
Fortnightly Tuesdays 19.15-20.45
HeartTouch Embodied Mindfulness 6-Part Course for Well-being & Vitality
Date: 8/4 - 17/6 2025
Where: Online -
2025: Dates to be Announced
Tai Chi Tutorial Classes for Well-being & Vitality
Date: tba
Where: All Saints Woodham, Woking -
Upcoming Workshops:
5/4 - 6/4 2025 : Sei Ki HeartTouch and Chi Nei Tsang
Where: Piemonte, Italy -
27/4 2025 : HeartTouch: Working with Anxiety, Emotional Pain & Trauma
Where: Otley, UK -
21/6 - 22/6 2025 : Sei Ki HeartTouch Emotional Bodywork Therapist Training
Where: Bern, Switzerland -
27/6 - 29/6 2025 : Sei Ki HeartTouch: Working with Anxiety Disorders, Trauma & Psychosis
Where: Piemonte, Italy -
19/9 - 21/9 2025 : Sei Ki HeartTouch: Working with Anxiety, Emotional Pain & Trauma
Where: Kiental, Switzerland -
Holidays / Retreats:
Visit the Holiday / Retreats Page...Recently Completed Events:
All Completed Events...Coaching:
One to One Zen Mindfulness Coaching
Sessions can take several forms:
- A complete tailor-suited personal Mindfulness training over 6 weeks or longer.
- Complementary sessions to support a student attending a group based training course.
- Occasional sessions offering Mindfulness based support to someone not wishing to take a full training.
We usually have a good conversation at the same time. No topics are off the table. I am not a psychologist or counsellor. I'm a human being who has had plenty of tricky experiences and come through them.
If you have complex mental health needs, please check out my other website: SensitiveBeing
I am happy to consider sessions with anyone whatever their state of physical or mental health.
I am open to invitations to run half-day or full-day tutorial training and may be able to travel to you.
Fee: £80 / hour, £120 / 1 1/2 hours.