Events »»» Thai Massage & Chi Nei Tsang: Exploring the Roots 5th - 6th April 2025, Colla di Netro, Biella, Piemonte
Thai Massage & Chi Nei Tsang
Exploring the Roots - versione italiana

In this weekend workshop we will explore the roots of Thai Massage and Chi Nei Tsang / Abdominal Thai Massage in the style of Joe Khumlee, my teacher.
Joe Khumlee studied with his grandfather, a Thai Medicine doctor from a young age. His style focuses on Thai Therapy work rather Thai Yoga Massage which we see more often.
During the workshop, we will also explore some Japanese & Chinese practices for taking care of our health as therapists.
This workshop will be relevant to bodywork / massage therapists interested to learn more about working with the body and keen to expand their tools for working with abdominal health.
Interested people without an existing therapy training are also very welcome to join us for this journey together and you will be able to take away something beautiful to share with friends and family.
Course Language
English with Italian translation as necessary.
About Anthony:

I had my own journey first with anxiety, panic attacks and mild depression while in my final year at Cambridge University in 1991.
This continued during my work as a financial auditor, where I experienced chronic stress and then as a software programmer where I went into a meltdown of physical and mental fatigue. A serious breakdown / burnout.
Despite massive efforts to heal myself, this journey continued in 2001, with me entering non-ordinary states, we can say spiritual psychosis perhaps.
After an 8 month period in the psychiatric system, I came off anti-psychotic medications and took personal responsibility for my own well-being. This journey continued for the next 8 years with me going in an out of challenging non-ordinary states until I stabilised in 2010.
Over time I've become a qualified Mindfulness teacher, Tai Chi & Qi Gong teacher and have been teaching since 2015. I am also an experienced student of the late Akinobu Kishi , the founder of Sei Ki and teach his amazing touch therapy in my own way. And finally I've been exploring Thai Massage & Chi Nei Tsang in Chiang Mai since 2014, and since 2018 with Joe Khumlee.
Click here for more on Anthony's background and experience
The event is being hosted by Anthony Fidler with support from Manuela Perardi.
Venue: Colla di Netro, Biella, Piemonte
Date & Time: 5th - 6th April 2025
Workshop size: Places are limited to 10 so please book early to be confident of attending
Course Fee: Please Contact Manuela Perardi.
Registration Process:
Please contact Manuela Perardi (Okami Kumo) on +39 347 313 4466.
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